This is the sixth post in a series. Read part 1 here.

Hi, this blog isn’t dead! It was just, uh, resting. I’ve been swamped with non-blog things for the past few weeks but I’m back on track now, probably, I hope.

Today we’ll implement conditional statements and expressions. As usual, accompanying tests are here.

Part 6: Conditionals

In this post we’ll add support for two types of conditional constructs:

  1. Conditional statements, a.k.a. if statements
  2. Ternary conditional expressions, which have the form a ? b : c. I’ll sometimes just call these “conditional expressions”.

If Statements

An if statement consists of a condition, a substatement that executes if the condition is true, and maybe another substatement that executes if the condition is false. Either of these substatements can be a single statement, like this:

if (flag)
  return 0;

or a compound statement, like this:

if (flag) {
  int a = 1;
  return a*2;

Adding support for compound statements is a distinct task that we’re not going to handle in this post. So for now, we’ll only support the first of the examples above, and not the second.

We say a condition is false if it evaluates to zero, and true otherwise, just like when we implemented boolean operators in earlier posts.

Else If

Note that C doesn’t have an explicit else if construct. If an if keyword immediately follows an else keyword, the whole if statement gets parsed as the else branch. In other words, the following code snippets are equivalent:

if (flag)
    return 0;
else if (other_flag)
    return 1;
    return 2;
if (flag)
    return 0;
else {
    if (other_flag)
        return 1;
        return 2;

Conditional Expressions

These expressions take the following form:

a ? b : c

If a is true, the expression will evaluate to b; otherwise it will evaluate to c.

Note that we should only execute the expression we actually need. For example, in the following code snippet:

0 ? foo() : bar()

the function foo should never be called. You might be tempted to call both foo and bar, then discard the result from foo, but that would be wrong; foo could print to the console, make a network call, or dereference a null pointer and crash the program. Obviously this point is also true of if statements – we should execute the if branch or the else branch but definitely not both.

Conditional expressions and if statements might seem very similar, but it’s important to remember that statements and expressions are used in totally different ways. For example, an expression has a value, but a statement doesn’t. So this is legal:

int a = flag ? 2 : 3;

but this isn’t1:

//this is bogus
int a = if (flag)

On the other hand, a statement can contain other statements, but an expression can’t contain statements. For example, you can nest a return statement inside an if statement:

if (flag)
    return 0;

but you can’t have a return statement inside a conditional expression:

//this is also bogus
flag ? return 1 : return 2;


We need to define a few more tokens: if and else keywords for if statements, plus : and ? operators for conditional expressions. Here’s the full list of tokens, with new tokens in bold at the bottom:

  • Open brace {
  • Close brace }
  • Open parenthesis (
  • Close parenthesis )
  • Semicolon ;
  • Int keyword int
  • Return keyword return
  • Identifier [a-zA-Z]\w*
  • Integer literal [0-9]+
  • Minus -
  • Bitwise complement ~
  • Logical negation !
  • Addition +
  • Multiplication *
  • Division /
  • AND &&
  • OR ||
  • Equal ==
  • Not Equal !=
  • Less than <
  • Less than or equal <=
  • Greater than >
  • Greater than or equal >=
  • Assignment =
  • If keyword if
  • Else keyword else
  • Colon :
  • Question mark ?

☑ Task:

Update the lex function to handle the new tokens. It should work for all stage 1-6 examples in the test suite, including the invalid ones.


We’ll parse conditional expressions and if statements totally differently. Let’s handle if statements first.

If Statements

So far, we’ve defined three types of statements in our AST: return statements, expressions, and variable declarations. Right now the definition looks like this:

statement = Return(exp) 
          | Declare(string, exp option) //string is variable name
                                        //exp is optional initializer
          | Exp(exp)

We need to add an If statement, which has three parts: an expression (the controlling condition), an if branch and an optional else branch. Here’s our updated AST definition for statements:

statement = Return(exp) 
          | Declare(string, exp option) //string is variable name
                                        //exp is optional initializer
          | Exp(exp)
          | If(exp, statement, statement option) //exp is controlling condition
                                                 //first statement is 'if' branch
                                                 //second statement is optional 'else' branch

Now let’s update our grammar. The rule for if statements consists of:

  • The if keyword
  • An expression wrapped in parentheses (the condition)
  • A statement (executed if the condition is true)
  • Optionally, the else keyword, followed by another statement (executed if the condition is false)
"if" "(" <exp> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]

So the updated grammar for statements looks like this:

<statement> ::= "return" <exp> ";"
              | <exp> ";"
              | "int" <id> [ = <exp> ] ";"
              | "if" "(" <exp> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]

Our definition of statements is recursive! But it’s not left-recursive, so it’s not a problem.

But we have another problem. We defined variable declarations as a type of statement, but declarations in C aren’t statements. For example, this code snippet isn’t valid:

//this will throw a compiler error!
if (flag)
  int i = 0;

When we added variable declarations in the last post, it didn’t matter whether or not we defined them as statements; we could parse the same subset of C and generate the same assembly either way. Now that we’re dealing with more complex structures like if statements, that simplification impacts what we can and can’t parse, so we need to fix it.

So we need to move Declare out of the statement type and into its own type. But this introduces a new problem: we’ve defined a function body as a list of statements, but if declarations aren’t statements, then you can’t have declarations in a function body. To fix this, we’ll need to tweak how we define functions in our AST. Let’s introduce some terminology:

  • A block item is a statement or declaration.
  • A block or compound statement is a list of block items wrapped in curly braces2.

Function bodies are just a special case of blocks; they contain a list of declarations and statements. To represent them, we’ll introduce a new block_item type that can hold either a statement or a declaration. This will also come in handy when we add support for blocks in general in the next post. With those changes, the relevant parts of our AST will look like this:

statement = Return(exp)                                         
          | Exp(exp)
          | Conditional(exp, statement, statement option) //exp is controlling condition
                                                          //first statement is 'if' block
                                                          //second statement is optional 'else' block

declaration = Declare(string, exp option) //string is variable name 
                                          //exp is optional initializer

block_item = Statement(statement) | Declaration(declaration)

function_declaration = Function(string, block_item list) //string is the function name                                                                                      

And here’s the updated grammar:

<statement> ::= "return" <exp> ";"
              | <exp> ";"
              | "if" "(" <exp> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]
<declaration> ::= "int" <id> [ = <exp> ] ";"
<block-item> ::= <statement> | <declaration>
<function> ::= "int" <id> "(" ")" "{" { <block-item> } "}"

Now that we have our AST and grammar, you should be able to update your compiler to parse conditional statements. You may want to do that before we move on to conditional expressions.

☑ Task:

Update the parsing pass to handle conditional statements. It should successfully parse all valid stage 6 examples in write_a_c_compiler/stage_6/valid/statement, and throw an error for all invalid stage 6 examples in write_a_c_compiler/stage_6/invalid/statement.

Conditional Expressions

Now let’s add ternary conditional expressions. Here’s how we’ve defined our AST for expressions so far:

exp = Assign(string, exp)
    | Var(string) //string is variable name
    | BinOp(binary_operator, exp, exp)
    | UnOp(unary_operator, exp)
    | Constant(int)

It’s straightforward to add a Conditional form:

exp = Assign(string, exp)
    | Var(string) //string is variable name
    | BinOp(binary_operator, exp, exp)
    | UnOp(unary_operator, exp)
    | Constant(int)
    | Conditional(exp, exp, exp) //the three expressions are the condition, 'if' expression and 'else' expression, respectively

We also need to update the grammar rules for expressions, which currently look like this:

<exp> ::= <id> "=" <exp> | <logical-or-exp>
<logical-or-exp> ::= <logical-and-exp> { "||" <logical-and-exp> } 
...more rules...

The conditional operator has lower precedence than assignment (=) but higher precedence than logical OR (||), and it’s right-associative. We can take its grammar rule straight from section 6.5.15 of the C11 standard:

<conditional-exp> ::= <logical-or-exp> "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp>

Let’s think about why it’s defined this way. I’ll refer to the three sub-expressions as e1, e2, and e3, such that a conditional expression has the form e1 ? e2 : e3. Expression e1 has to be a <logical-or-exp> because it can’t be an assignment expression or a conditional expression. It can’t be an assignment expression because assignment has lower precedence than the conditional operator. In other words:

a = 1 ? 2 : 3;

must be parsed as:

a = (1 ? 2 : 3);

In our current grammar this is specified unambiguously, but if we instead defined a conditional expression as:

<conditional-exp> ::= <exp> "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp>

then it would be ambiguous; the statement above could also be parsed as:

(a = 1) ? 2 : 3;

Note that (a = 1) ? 2 : 3; is a valid statement, but you need the parentheses in order to parse it that way.

So that’s why e1 can’t be an assignment expression. It can’t be a conditional expression because ? is right-associative. In other words:

flag1 ? 4 : flag2 ? 6 : 7

must be parsed as

flag1 ? 4 : (flag2 ? 6 : 7)

If we had defined a conditional expression as:

<conditional-exp> ::= <conditional-exp> "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp>

then the example above could also be parsed as:

(flag1 ? 4 : flag2) ? 6 : 7

and the grammar would be ambiguous.

Expression e2 in our ternary conditional can take any form; safely fenced in by ? and :, it can’t introduce any grammatical ambiguity. You can think of implicit parentheses wrapping everything between ? and :.

Expression e3 can be another ternary conditional, as in the example a > b ? 4 : flag ? 6 : 7. But it can’t be an assignment statement – why not? Let’s look at the following example:

flag ? a = 1 : a = 0

If we try to compile this with gcc, we’ll get something like the following error message:

error: expression is not assignable
    flag ? a = 1 : a = 0;
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^

In other words, gcc tried to parse the expression like this:

(flag ? a = 1 : a) = 0

This obviously doesn’t work because the expression on the left isn’t a variable3. You might wonder why we can’t use the following grammar rule:

<conditional-exp> ::= <logical-or-exp> "?" <exp> ":" <exp>

Then gcc could just parse it like this:

flag ? a = 1 : (a = 0)

That grammar rule would work fine; in fact, that’s how conditional expressions are defined in C++4. I don’t know why it’s different in C, but if you know I’d like to hear from you.

We also need a way to specify expressions that aren’t conditionals, so we’ll make the ‘conditional’ part of this grammar rule optional5:

<conditional-exp> ::= <logical-or-exp> [ "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp> ]

Anyway, we now know the correct grammar. Here are all the new and updated grammar rules concerning expressions:

<exp> ::= <id> "=" <exp> | <conditional-exp>
<conditional-exp> ::= <logical-or-exp> [ "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp> ]
<logical-or-exp> ::= <logical-and-exp> { "||" <logical-and-exp> } 

☑ Task:

Update the parsing pass to handle ternary conditional expressions. At this point, it should successfully parse all valid stage 6 examples, and throw an error for all invalid examples.

Put It All Together

For the sake of completeness, here’s our full AST definition and grammar, with new and changed parts bolded:


program = Program(function_declaration)

function_declaration = Function(string, block_item list) //string is the function name

block_item = Statement(statement) | Declaration(declaration)

declaration = Declare(string, exp option) //string is variable name 
                                          //exp is optional initializer

statement = Return(exp) 
          | Exp(exp)
          | Conditional(exp, statement, statement option) //exp is controlling condition
                                                          //first statement is 'if' block
                                                          //second statement is optional 'else' block
exp = Assign(string, exp)
    | Var(string) //string is variable name
    | BinOp(binary_operator, exp, exp)
    | UnOp(unary_operator, exp)
    | Constant(int)
    | CondExp(exp, exp, exp) //the three expressions are the condition, 'if' expression and 'else' expression, respectively


<program> ::= <function>
<function> ::= "int" <id> "(" ")" "{" { <block-item> } "}"
<block-item> ::= <statement> | <declaration>
<declaration> ::= "int" <id> [ = <exp> ] ";"
<statement> ::= "return" <exp> ";"
              | <exp> ";"
              | "if" "(" <exp> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]

<exp> ::= <id> "=" <exp> | <conditional-exp> <conditional-exp> ::= <logical-or-exp> [ "?" <exp> ":" <conditional-exp> ] <logical-or-exp> ::= <logical-and-exp> { "||" <logical-and-exp> } <logical-and-exp> ::= <equality-exp> { "&&" <equality-exp> } <equality-exp> ::= <relational-exp> { ("!=" | "==") <relational-exp> } <relational-exp> ::= <additive-exp> { ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") <additive-exp> } <additive-exp> ::= <term> { ("+" | "-") <term> } <term> ::= <factor> { ("*" | "/") <factor> } <factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int> | <id> <unary_op> ::= "!" | "~" | "-"

Code Generation

To generate the assembly for if statements and conditional expressions, we’re going to need conditional and unconditional jumps, which we introduced in part 4. We can generate assembly for the conditional expression e1 ? e2 : e3 as follows:

    cmpl $0, %eax
    je   _e3                  ; if e1 == 0, e1 is false so execute e3
    <CODE FOR e2 GOES HERE>  ; we're still here so e1 must be true. execute e2.
    jmp  _post_conditional    ; jump over e3
    <CODE FOR e3 GOES HERE>  ; we jumped here because e1 was false. execute e3.
_post_conditional:            ; we need this label to jump over e3

The assembly for if statements is quite similar, although it’s slightly complicated by the optional else clause. I’ll let you figure it out yourself.

As in the assembly for && and || we saw earlier, labels have to be unique.

☑ Task:

Update the code-generation pass to correctly handle ternary conditional expressions and if statements. It should success on all valid examples and fail on all invalid examples for stages 1-6.

Up Next

In the next post, we’ll add compound statements, so brace yourself (pun intended) for an exciting discussion of lexical scope! I hope that will be two weeks from now and not two months. See you then!

If you have any questions, corrections, or other feedback, you can email me or open an issue.

1 But the if construct in many functional languages is an expression, and works just like C’s ternary conditionals. This is valid OCaml, for instance:

let a = if b then 1 else 2

2 The terms “block” and “compound statement” aren’t 100% synonymous; compound statements are a subset of blocks. But the terms are similar enough that it’s fine to treat them as synonyms for now.

3 Actually, any “modifiable lvalue” is allowed on the left side of an assignment statement, not just variables. *x, &x, ++x, and x++ are all examples of modifiable lvalues. Conditional expressions aren’t, though.

5 Thanks to Stephen Bastians for pointing out a mistake in this grammar rule in an earlier verson of this post.