Writing a C Compiler, Part 3
This is the third post in a series. Read part 1 here.
This week we’ll add binary operations to support basic arithmetic. We’ll figure out how to correctly handle operator precedence and associativity. You can find the accompanying tests here.
Week 3: Binary Operators
This week we’re adding several binary operations (operators that take two values):
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
As usual, we’ll update each stage of the compiler to support these operations.
Each of the operators above will require a new token, except for subtraction – we already have a -
token. It gets tokenized the same way whether it’s a subtraction or negation operator; we’ll figure out how to interpret it during the parsing stage. Arithmetic expressions can also contain parentheses, but we already have tokens for those too, so we don’t need to change our lexer at all to handle them.
Here’s the full list of tokens we need to support. Tokens from previous weeks are at the top, new tokens are bolded at the bottom:
- Open brace
- Close brace
- Open parenthesis
- Close parenthesis
- Semicolon
- Int keyword
- Return keyword
- Identifier
- Integer literal
- Minus
- Bitwise complement
- Logical negation
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Division
☑ Task:
Update the lex function to handle the new tokens. It should work for all stage 1, 2, and 3 examples in the test suite, including the invalid ones.
This week we’ll need to add another expression type to our AST: binary operations. Here’s the latest set of definitions for our AST nodes; only the definition of exp
has changed:
program = Program(function_declaration)
function_declaration = Function(string, statement) //string is the function name
statement = Return(exp)
exp = BinOp(binary_operator, exp, exp)
| UnOp(unary_operator, exp)
| Constant(int)
Note that we now distinguish between binary and unary operators in our AST definition. For example, -
as in negation and -
as in subtraction would be different types/classes/whatever in our AST. Here’s how we might construct the AST for 2 - (-3)
two = Const(2)
three = Const(3)
neg_three = UnOp(NEG, three)
exp = BinOp(MINUS, two, neg_three)
We also need to change the definition of <exp>
in our grammar. The most obvious definition is something like this:
<exp> ::= <exp> <binary_op> <exp> | <unary_op> <exp> | "(" <exp> ")" | <int>
But there are several related problems with this grammar:
It doesn’t handle operator precedence. Consider the expression
2 + 3 * 4
. Using the grammar above, you can construct two possible parse trees:Tree #1
Tree #2
Using the first parse tree, this expression evalutes to
(2 + 3) * 4 = 20
. Using the second, it’s2 + (3 * 4) = 14
. According to the C standard and mathematical convention,*
has higher precendence than+
, so the second parse tree is correct. Our grammar has to encode this precedence somehow.This is a problem with our unary operations too – according to this grammar,
~2 + 3
could be parsed as~(2 + 3)
, which is of course wrong.
AST tree for (2 + 3) * 4
- expression:
<exp> <binop> <exp>
- expression:
<exp> <binop> <exp>
- expression:
- constant: 2
- operator: +
- expression:
- constant: 3
- expression:
- operator: *
- expression:
- constant: 4
- expression:
AST tree for 2 + (3 * 4)
- expression:
<exp> <binop> <exp>
- expression:
- constant: 2
- operator: +
- expression:
<exp> <binop> <exp>
- expression:
- constant: 3
- operator: *
- expression:
- constant: 4
- expression:
- expression:
It doesn’t handle associativity. Operations at the same precedence level should be evaluated left-to-right1. For example
1 - 2 - 3
should be parsed as(1 - 2) - 3
. But, according to the grammar above, parsing it as1 - (2 - 3)
is also valid. -
It’s left-recursive. In the grammar above, one of the production rules for
is:<exp> <binary_op> <exp>
In this production rule, the left-most (i.e. first) symbol is also
— that’s what left-recursive means. Left-recursive grammars aren’t incorrect, but recursive descent (RD) parsers can’t handle them2. We’ll talk about why this is a problem later in this post.
Let’s start by tackling problem #1, precedence3. We’ll handle unary operators first – they always have higher precedence than binary operators. A unary operator should only be applied to a whole expression if:
- the expression is a single integer (e.g.
) - the expression is wrapped in parentheses (e.g.
), or - the expression is itself a unary operation (e.g.
To express this, we’re going to need another symbol in our grammar to refer to “an expression a unary operator can be applied to”. We’ll call it a factor. We’ll rewrite our grammar like this:
<exp> ::= <exp> <binary_op> <exp> | <factor>
<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int>
We’ve now created two levels of precedence: one for binary operations, one for unary operations. We’re also handling parentheses correctly – putting an expression inside parentheses forces higher precedence.
We can make a similar change to force *
and /
to be higher precedence than +
and -
. We added a <factor>
symbol before, representing the operands of unary operations. Now we’ll add a <term>
symbol, representing the operands of multiplication and division4.
<exp> ::= <exp> ("+" | "-") <exp> | <term>
<term> ::= <term> ("*" | "/") <term> | <factor>
<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int>
This grammar encodes operator precedence correctly. There’s now only one possible parse tree for 2 + 3 * 4
- expression:
<exp> ("+"|"-") <term>
- expression:
- constant: 2
- operator: +
- expression:
<term> <binop> <factor>
- expression:
- constant: 2
- operator: *
- expression:
- constant: 3
- expression:
- expression:
That’s problem #1 solved. Problem #2 was that this grammar didn’t handle associativity.
If you’re not using an RD parser, you generally use left recursive production rules for left-associative operations, and right recursive rules for right-associative operations. In that case, we could rewrite the rule for <exp>
like so:
<exp> ::= <exp> ("+" | "-") <term> | <term>
This would force addition and subtraction to be left-associative; you can’t parse 1 - 2 - 3
as 1 - (2 - 3)
because 2 - 3
isn’t a term.
But we are using an RD parser, so we can’t handle this left recursive rule. To understand why this won’t work, let’s try writing a function to parse expressions according to this rule.
def parse_expression(tokens):
//determine which of two production rules applies:
// * <exp> ("+" | "-") <term>
// * <term>
if is_term(tokens): //how do we figure this out???
return parse_term(tokens)
//recursively call parse_expression to handle it
e1 = parse_expression(tokens) //recurse forever ☠️
To figure out which production rule to use, we can’t just look at the first token or two – we need to know if there’s a +
or -
operation anywhere in this expression. And if we determine that this expression is a sum or difference, we’re going to call parse_expression
recursively forever. In order to not do that, we’d need to find the last <term>
at the end of the expression, parse and remove that, then go back and parse the rest. Both of these problems (figuring out which production rule to use, and parsing the last term at the end) require us to look ahead an arbitrary number of tokens until we hit the end of the expression. You might be able to get this approach to work – I’m not sure if there are existing parsing algorithms similar to this – but it will be complicated, and it definitely won’t be a recursive descent parser. So we’re not going to do that.
If, on the other hand, we just switched around <term>
and <exp>
to avoid left recursion, we’d have this rule:
<exp> ::= <term> ("+" | "-") <exp> | <term>
This is easy to parse but wrong – it’s right-associative. Using this grammar, you would have to parse 1 - 2 - 3
as 1 - (2 - 3)
So our options seem to be an unparseable left recursive grammar, or an incorrect right recursive grammar. Luckily, there’s another solution. We’ll introduce repetition into our grammar, so we can define an expression as a term, possibly plus or minus a term, possibly plus or minus another term…and so on forever. In EBNF notation, wrapping something in curly braces ({}
) means it can be repeated zero or more times. Here’s the final grammar we’ll be using for expressions this week:
<exp> ::= <term> { ("+" | "-") <term> }
<term> ::= <factor> { ("*" | "/") <factor> }
<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int>
This grammar handles precedence correctly, it isn’t left recursive and it isn’t right-associative. However, it’s not really left-associative either. Before, an <exp>
was a binary operation with two terms – now it has an arbitrary number of terms. If you have a bunch of operations at the same precendence level (like in 1 - 2 - 3
), this grammar doesn’t provide any way to group them into sub-expressions.
That’s okay, though! Our grammar doesn’t need to correspond perfectly with our AST. We can still build our AST in a left-associative way. We’ll parse the first term, and then, if there are any more terms, we process them in a loop, constructing a new BinOp node at each iteration. Here’s the pseudocode for this:
def parse_expression(toks):
term = parse_term(toks) //pops off some tokens
next = toks.peek() //check the next token, but don't pop it off the list yet
while next == PLUS or next == MINUS: //there's another term!
op = convert_to_op(toks.next())
next_term = parse_term(toks) //pops off some more tokens
term = BinOp(op, term, next_term)
next = toks.peek()
return t1
We can use exactly the same approach in parse_term
is straightforward, since it doesn’t have to handle associativity. We’ll look at the first token to identify which production rule to use; pop off constants and make sure they have the value we expect; and call other functions to handle non-terminal symbols.
def parse_factor(toks)
next = toks.next()
if next == OPEN_PAREN:
//<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")"
exp = parse_exp(toks) //parse expression inside parens
if toks.next() != CLOSE_PAREN: //make sure parens are balanced
return exp
else if is_unop(next)
//<factor> ::= <unary_op> <factor>
op = convert_to_op(next)
factor = parse_factor(toks)
return UnOp(op, factor)
else if next.type == "INT":
//<factor> ::= <int>
return Const(convert_to_int(next))
Just for the sake of completeness, here’s this week’s complete grammar, including the new stuff above (expressions, terms, factors) and stuff that hasn’t changed since last week (functions, statements, etc.):
<program> ::= <function>
<function> ::= "int" <id> "(" ")" "{" <statement> "}"
<statement> ::= "return" <exp> ";"
<exp> ::= <term> { ("+" | "-") <term> }
<term> ::= <factor> { ("*" | "/") <factor> }
<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int>
☑ Task:
Update your expression-parsing code to handle addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It should successfully parse all valid stage 1, 2, and 3 examples in the test suite, and fail on all invalid stage 1, 2, and 3 examples. Manually inspect the AST for each example to make sure it handles associativity and operator precedence correctly. If you haven’t written a pretty printer yet, you’ll probably need to do that now.
Code Generation
There’s a new challenge in the code generation stage this week. To handle a binary expression, like e1 + e2
, our generated assembly needs to:
- Calculate
and save it somewhere. - Calculate
. - Add
, and store the result in EAX.
So, we need somewhere to save the first operand. Saving it in a register would be complicated; the second operand can itself contain subexpressions, so it might also need to save intermediate results in a register, potentially overwriting e1
5. Instead, we’ll save the first operand on the stack.
Let’s talk about the stack briefly. Every process on a computer has some memory. This memory is divided into several segments, one of which is the call stack, or just the stack. The address of the top of the stack is stored in the ESP register, aka the stack pointer. Like with most stacks, you can push things onto the top, or pop things off the top; x86 includes push
and pop
instructions to do just that. One confusing thing about the stack is that it grows towards lower memory addresses – when you push something onto the stack, you decrement ESP. The processor relies on ESP to figure out where the top of the stack is. So, pushl val
does the following6:
- Writes
to the next empty spot on the stack (i.e. ESP - 4) - Decrements ESP by 4, so it contains the memory address of
Along the same lines, popl dest
does the following:
- Reads value from the top of the stack (i.e. the value at the memory address in ESP).
- Copies that value into
, which is a register or other memory location - Increments ESP by 4, so it points to the value just below
But right now, all you really need to know is that there’s a stack, push
puts things on it and pop
takes things off it.
So, here’s our assembly for e1 + e2
push %eax ; save value of e1 on the stack
pop %ecx ; pop e1 from the stack into ecx
addl %ecx, %eax ; add e1 to e2, save results in eax
You can handle e1 * e2
exactly the same way, using imul
instead of addl
. Subtraction is a bit more complicated because order of operands matters; subl src, dst
computes dst - src
, and saves the result in dst
. You’ll need to make sure e1
is in dst
and e2
is in src
– and, of course, that the result ends up in EAX. Division is even trickier: idivl dst
treats EDX and EAX as a single, 64-bit register and calculates [EDX:EAX] / dst
. It then stores the quotient in EAX and the remainder in EDX. To make it work, you’ll need to first move e1
into EAX, and then sign-extend it into EDX using the cdq
instruction before issuing the idivl
instruction7. You can check the Intel Software Developer’s Manual for more details on any of these instructions.
☑ Task:
Update your code-generation pass to emit correct code for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. It should succeed on all valid examples and fail on all invalid examples for stages 1, 2, and 3.
Using GDB
If you run into trouble during code generation, you may want to step through it with GDB or LLDB. I’m not going to cover how to use GDB here (I list some tutorials under “Further Reading”), but here are a few tips specifically for stepping through assembly without a symbol table:
- You can use
to step through one assembly instruction at a time. - In GDB, but not LLDB,
layout asm
displays the assembly as you step through it, andlayout regs
displays the registers. - You can set breakpoints at functions (e.g.
b main
) even when your binary doesn’t have debug symbols.
Also, running GDB on OS X is a pain in the butt. You can find instructions about how to get it working here, or you can use LLDB instead. I kind of hate LLDB but maybe I’m just not used to it.
Up Next
Next week, I’ll be on vacation. The week after that, we’ll add more binary operators to support comparisons and boolean logic. See you then!
If you have any questions, corrections, or other feedback, you can email me or open an issue.
Correction on 6/11/2024: (2 + 3) * 4
evaluates to 20
, not 24
. Thanks to Ian for catching this error.
Further Reading
- Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual – the definitive reference on all x86 instructions, which will be useful for the rest of the series. Also a good way to impress people at parties when they ask what you’re reading.
- Some problems of recursive descent parsers – a nice explanation of how RD parsers handle associativity. Several other articles on the same blog are also worth a read:
- Recursive descent, LL and predictive parsers – an overview of RD parsing.
- Top-Down operator precedence parsing – an intro to Pratt parsers.
- Parsing expressions by precedence climbing – an intro to precedence climbing.
- An Introduction to GDB – a helpful reference if you haven’t used GDB before.
1 Not all operations in C are left-associative, but all of this week’s binary operations are.↩
2 Other types of parsers, like LALR parsers, can handle left recursive grammars just fine.↩
3 Alternatively, you can handle operator precedence and associativity is precedence climbing or Pratt parsing – they’re basically the same thing. Precedence climbing is pretty easy to understand, and it’s a nice option because it requires less boilerplate code and makes it easier to add more operators later on. I didn’t use it in this blog post because I wanted to present the simplest, most vanilla possible solution, but I will probably use it the next time I write a recursive descent parser. If you decide to use precedence parsing in your own compiler, it shouldn’t impact your ability to follow along with the rest of this series.↩
Don’t let the notation trip you up here. ()
indicates a grouping of tokens, so ("*" | "/")
means “either a plus token or a minus token.” "("
or ")"
, in quotes, means a literal parenthesis token.↩
5 Real compilers usually do save intermediate values in registers, because it’s much faster than saving them on the stack. We won’t do that because allocating registers is complicated and saving them onto the stack is simple.↩
6 This all assumes you’re working with 4-byte operands. On 64-bit architectures this instruction typically pushes 8-byte operands, by writing the operand to RSP - 8 and then decrementing RSP by 8. (RSP is the 64-bit equivalent to ESP). ↩
An earlier version of this post incorrectly said that you should zero out EDX before the idivl
instruction. Thanks to Borna Cafuk for pointing out the error! ↩